06. DEX model

There is a general model of a DEX (derived from the TLA+ spec we mentioned before) which sits at the conceptual center of Dexter design. Only one part of this model - the executor - is pluggable, so that comparative simulation of various executors ca nbe achieved.

In this chapter we describe this common base model, while the next chapter is devoted to the various executors pre-installed in the current version of Dexter.

This chapter covers perspective (4) according to the list of perspectives explained in chapter 5.

This UML diagram covers the whole model:


To illustrate the behaviour of DEX we use several examples written in Dexter scripting language. See chapter 15 for the details on the syntax, semantics and how to run these scripts in Dexter command-line mode.

Coins and tokens

We use the term coin meaning “type of cryptocurrency”. For example, in our lingo, BTC and ETH are coins. On the other hand, we use the term token when we talk about amounts of coins. In practice: when I sell 1.305 bitcoins, we say that the the coin of that transaction is “bitcoin” and the number of tokens transferred is 1.305.

Coins are represented with Coin type, while token amounts are represented with FPNumber type.

We frequently need to talk about pairs of coins. When AAA and BBB are some coins, we want to be able to form the pairs (AAA,BBB) and (BBB,AAA). This concept is represented with CoinPair type.

We also sometimes need 2-element coin sets. This is different than a coin pair, because a pair is ordered, while a set is not. However, to keep things simpler, we represent a 2-element coin set as a normalized coin pair. This normalization works as follows: because every coin has an id (hash), we consider a CoinPair to be normalized if coins in this pair are ordered along their hashes.

Coins collection is automatically generated on simulation start.


With number of coins configured to 7, at the beginning of the simulation the following information will show up in the console:

coins in use:
  code=AAA id=ee93-992a-dbdd-6168 description=Sample coin AAA
  code=BBB id=9853-0e3b-6c5e-fd60 description=Sample coin BBB
  code=CCC id=aea4-0d22-8e88-7e5b description=Sample coin CCC
  code=DDD id=ba32-7373-3682-7484 description=Sample coin DDD
  code=EEE id=e999-5a44-0ea6-4d46 description=Sample coin EEE
  code=FFF id=1531-f159-e87b-6776 description=Sample coin FFF
  code=GGG id=a8f4-8174-5e0a-3c25 description=Sample coin GGG

These are automatically generated coins. For coins AAA and BBB, two coin pairs are possible: CoinPair(AAA,BBB) and CoinPair(BBB,AAA). Now let us look at the hashes. A hash is printed using hex encoding of corresponding byte array and the comparison of hashes is lexicographic-per-byte. First byte of coin AAA identifier is ee in hex, which is number 238. First byte of coin BBB identifier is 98 in hex, which is number 152. Hence, BBB has smaller hash than AAA so we can conclude that CoinPair(BBB,AAA) is normalized and CoinPair(AAA, BBB) is not normalized.

DEX core

DexCore keeps all the information needed to process transactions generated by traders. It stands as a facade for decentralized exchange operations (see Execution of orders). On top of this, DexCore calculates exchange statistics (see chapter 12).

We also have DexFacade, which plays the role of a more “high level” API to the DEX, while DexCore offers API structure closer to the TLA+ spec.

Trader account

Trader account is just the same as blockchain account. DEX becomes aware of a trader account while executing the first deposit operation for this account.

An account stores the following information:

  • current balance of tokens (per each coin)

  • current free balance of tokens (per each coin)

  • current balance of liquidity tokens (per market)

  • open positions

When a trader adds an order, the sell-coin amount gets locked so that it cannot be re-used in another order.


Reserve is the way we represent total tokens supply (per coin):

  • transferring tokens from reserve to trader account corresponds to “minting” tokens

  • transferring tokens from trader account to reserve corresponds to “burning” tokens

Reserve is represented as a battery-of-counters, indexed by coin.

The following DexFacade operations deal with reserve:

class DexFacade {

  //Take a number of tokens (of specific coin) from the reserve and place it into an exchange account.
  def deposit(accountAddress: AccountAddress, accountName: String, amount: FPNumber, coin: Coin): Unit

  //Take a number of tokens (of specific coin) from specified trader account and return it to the reserve.
  def withdraw(accountAddress: AccountAddress, amount: FPNumber, coin: Coin): Unit



The following scripts initializes trader accounts for 3 traders.

trader 00: deposit  11.234 AAA
trader 01: deposit  5.01 AAA
trader 01: deposit  1.203 BBB
trader 02: deposit  0.099 CCC
trader 00: withdraw 0.1 AAA
trader 02: deposit  0.099 CCC

Caution: In this example (and all subsequent examples) we use per-coin initial reserve set to 1000.

After executing this script, the final state of the DEX will be:

-------------------------------- final state dump -----------------------------------------------
per-coin stats
  AAA: reserve=983.8560000000000000 deposits=16.1440000000000000 in-pools=0.0000000000000000 yield=0.0000000000000000 turnover=0.0000000000000000 fee=0.0000000000000000
  BBB: reserve=998.7970000000000000 deposits=1.2030000000000000 in-pools=0.0000000000000000 yield=0.0000000000000000 turnover=0.0000000000000000 fee=0.0000000000000000
  CCC: reserve=999.8020000000000000 deposits=0.1980000000000000 in-pools=0.0000000000000000 yield=0.0000000000000000 turnover=0.0000000000000000 fee=0.0000000000000000
  trader-0 (f03e-152a-9bcc-84a5)
    AAA: 11.1340000000000000 (free=11.1340000000000000 locked=0.0000000000000000)
  trader-1 (964c-867b-98d2-f9a5)
    BBB: 1.2030000000000000 (free=1.2030000000000000 locked=0.0000000000000000)
    AAA: 5.0100000000000000 (free=5.0100000000000000 locked=0.0000000000000000)
  trader-2 (7daa-7a83-0bc9-b98c)
    CCC: 0.1980000000000000 (free=0.1980000000000000 locked=0.0000000000000000)
-------------------------------------- end ------------------------------------------------------


DEX contains the collection of markets. For every normalized pair of coins we generate one market. This follows the tradition of Forex: a market AAA/BBB is where coin AAA can be traded for BBB and coin BBB can be traded for AAA.

Hence, if we configure Dexter to simulate \(n\) coins, \(\frac{n*(n-1)}{2}\) markets will be generated.

We also borrow from Forex another naming convention: base/quote. Base is the coin we think of as being the “asset” and quote is the coin we think of as being the “money”. The selection of base is arbitrary - we just again use the normalization of coin pairs here and in a normalized coin pair CoinPair(AAA,BBB), left-side coin (AAA in this example) is base, while right-side coin (BBB in this example) is quote.

Base-quote convention is basically a way to pick some orientation of the market (which is otherwise fully symmetric), hence talking about buyers, sellers and prices becomes unambiguous without further explanation of which coin we are selling. With base/quote setup in place, whoever is selling the base coin is the seller, and whoever is buying the base coin is the buyer. The price is then the amount of quote tokens to be paid for 1 base token.

A market maintains 4 ordered collections of orders:

  • limit orders (buyers collection)

  • limit orders (sellers collection)

  • stop orders (buyers collection)

  • stop orders (sellers collection)

Caution: stop orders are considered “experimental” feature and are not fully covered by this version of Dexter manual.

A market also contains a liquidity pool (also called “automated market maker” or AMM), which is a “locked” amount of base tokens and quote tokens.

Liquidity pools

DEX-es we investigate are all based on so called “liquidity pools”. A liquidity pool is just certain amount of tokens kept as a “operational buffer” by the exchange. Thanks to the existence of such buffer, orders execution may be achieved as trader-vs-pool transfers. This is in contrary to traditional exchanges (like Forex), where execution of orders is achieved via matching sell-vs-buy orders, which leads to trader-vs-trader transfers.

A separate liquidity pool is attached to every market and technically has a form of two variables tracing the pool balance - one variable for each coin on the market. See the variable HalfMarket.pool on DEX model above.

The accumulation of tokens in the liquidity pool is based on active participation of investors. Any trader can become an investor in any liquidity pool by issuing “addLiquidity” transaction. The effect of this transaction will be a donation of proportional amounts of both coins to the pool.

Market.drops collection is the way DEX tracks participation of traders in given liquidity pool. Participation tracking is based on a fictional “liquidity” coin (separate for every market), and drops is a collection keeping the balance of liquidity coin per trader.

The following DexFacade operations deal with liquidity management:

class DexFacade {

  //Initialize liquidity pool.
  def initAMM(account: AccountAddress, aCoin: Coin, bCoin: Coin, aCoinAmount: FPNumber, bCoinAmount: FPNumber): Boolean

  //Add liquidity to an already initialized pool.
  //Only one coin and its amount is provided as argument, the other side is automatically calculated
  def addLiquidity(accountAddress: AccountAddress, marketId: CoinPair, amountCoin: Coin, amount: FPNumber): Boolean

  //Burns specified amount of liquidity coins owned by specified trader account.
  //The trader will get proportional share of both coins of the liquidity pool.
  def withdrawLiquidity(account: AccountAddress, marketId: CoinPair, amountOfLiquidityCoinsToBurn: FPNumber): Boolean

InitAMM just allocates fixed amount of liquidity coins (100.0) as drops entry for the issuing trader.

AddLiquidity increases investment of issuing trader into AMM of selected market. The algorithm here ensures that the amounts of base and quote coin transferred from trader account will not change the current price. If and \(ammQuote\) are the initial balances of the AMM, and the trader adds liquidity by transferring \(x\) tokens of base coin and y tokens of quote coin, the DEX ensures that the following condition holds:



  • \(td\) denote the total amount of liquidity tokens minted for the market under consideration

  • \(d\) denote the amount of liquidity tokens DEX will mint in effect of AddLiquidity and add to the total balance of drops for the issuing trader account

AddLiquidity mints liquidity tokens so that the following equation is satisfied:

\[\frac{x}{ammBase} = \frac{y}{ammQuote} = \frac{d}{td}\]

Caution: because of integer rounding, this equation usually cannot be satisfied exactly. DEX attempts to adhere to this equation as much as the fixed-point arithmetic allows to.

Liquidity pool is the way we establish the concept of “current price” on the market: it is just the value ammQuote / ammBase.

WithdrawLiquidity burns specified amount of liquidity tokens. Let \(ammBase\) and \(ammQuote\) denote current balance of the AMM for the relevant market. Let \(td\) be the total number of liquidity tokens for this market. Let \(d\) be the amount of liquidity tokens that a trader wants to burn. This will end up executing the following token transfers from AMM to trader’s account:

  • base coin: \(\frac{d}{td}*ammBase\)

  • quote coin: \(\frac{d}{td}*ammQuote\)


In this example there are 3 traders, but 2 of them become liquidity providers.

trader 00: deposit  11.234 AAA
trader 00: deposit  5.01 BBB
trader 01: deposit  5.01 AAA
trader 01: deposit  7.901 BBB
trader 02: deposit  0.099 CCC
trader 00: amm-init AAA=1.2 BBB=3.1
trader 01: +amm AAA/BBB AAA=0.23
trader 01: deposit  3.3 CCC
trader 01: amm-init BBB=2 CCC=1.9

After executing this script, the final state of the DEX will be:

-------------------------------- final state dump -----------------------------------------------
per-coin stats
  AAA: reserve=983.7560000000000000 deposits=16.2440000000000000 in-pools=1.4300000000000000 yield=0.0000000000000000 turnover=0.0000000000000000 fee=0.0000000000000000
  BBB: reserve=987.0890000000000000 deposits=12.9110000000000000 in-pools=5.6941666666666666 yield=0.0000000000000000 turnover=0.0000000000000000 fee=0.0000000000000000
  CCC: reserve=996.6010000000000000 deposits=3.3990000000000000 in-pools=1.9000000000000000 yield=0.0000000000000000 turnover=0.0000000000000000 fee=0.0000000000000000
  trader-0 (6520-118d-99d3-651f)
    BBB: 1.9100000000000000 (free=1.9100000000000000 locked=0.0000000000000000)
    AAA: 10.0340000000000000 (free=10.0340000000000000 locked=0.0000000000000000)
  trader-1 (dd9d-dd30-e1fb-ebf6)
    BBB: 5.3068333333333334 (free=5.3068333333333334 locked=0.0000000000000000)
    AAA: 4.7800000000000000 (free=4.7800000000000000 locked=0.0000000000000000)
    CCC: 1.4000000000000000 (free=1.4000000000000000 locked=0.0000000000000000)
  trader-2 (aa15-a7ce-b653-fbb1)
    CCC: 0.0990000000000000 (free=0.0990000000000000 locked=0.0000000000000000)
  BBB/AAA amm-price: 0.3870967741935483 amm-balance: BBB=3.6941666666666666 AAA=1.4300000000000000
      active orders: 0
      asks volume (limit orders only): 0.0000000000000000
      bids volume (limit orders only): 0.0000000000000000
      liquidity tokens: 119.1666666666666666
      overhang [%]: 0.0
      bid-ask spread: 0.0000000000000000
    liquidity providers participation (aka 'drops')
      trader-1 = 19.1666666666666666
      trader-0 = 100.0000000000000000
    order book - asks
    order book - bids
  BBB/CCC amm-price: 0.9500000000000000 amm-balance: BBB=2.0000000000000000 CCC=1.9000000000000000
      active orders: 0
      asks volume (limit orders only): 0.0000000000000000
      bids volume (limit orders only): 0.0000000000000000
      liquidity tokens: 100.0000000000000000
      overhang [%]: 0.0
      bid-ask spread: 0.0000000000000000
    liquidity providers participation (aka 'drops')
      trader-1 = 100.0000000000000000
    order book - asks
    order book - bids
-------------------------------------- end ------------------------------------------------------


By yield we mean the profit made by a liquidity provider - as seen at some specified state of DEX. We formalize yield as a value calculated separately for every <coin, market,trader> combination:


  • \(A\) and \(B\) be fixed coins

  • \(t\) be fixed trader account

  • \(prov\) be the sum of \(A\) tokens added to the liquidity pool on the market \(<A,B>\) by trader \(t\) via add-liquidity operations (in the whole lifetime of DEX, up to the currently considered state)

  • \(liq\) be the sum of \(A\) tokens withdrawn from the liquidity pool on the market \(<A,B>\) by trader \(t\) via remove-liquidity operations (in the whole lifetime of DEX, up to the currently considered state)

  • \(a\) and \(b\) be balances of respectively \(A\) and \(B\) on the market \(<A,B>\)

  • \(d\) be the amount of liquidity tokens owned by trader \(t\) on the market \(<A,B>\)

  • \(td\) be the total amount of liquidity tokens on the market \(<A,B>\)

If at this moment trader \(t\) decided to capitalize its share of the liquidity pool, it would be:

  • this amount of coin \(A\): \(\frac{d}{td}*a\)

  • this amount of coin \(B\): \(\frac{d}{td}*b\)

Let us focus on the overall coin \(A\) balance as seen by the trader \(t\) from the perspective of calculating the profit/loss:

  • so far I invested \(prov\) tokens into the pool

  • so far I withdrew \(liq\) tokens from the pool

  • as of now \(\frac{d}{td}*a\) tokens in the pool belongs to me

We define yield (per trader-market-coin combination) as: \(owned + withdrew - invested\), i.e:

\[yield_{tmc} = \frac{d}{td}*a + liq - prov\]

Yield can be summed over all markets, leading to the “yield per trader-coin combination”, which has the form of a function:

\[yield_{tc}: T \times C \rightarrow \mathcal{FP}\]

… where \(T\) is the set of all trader accounts, \(C\) is the set of all coins and \(\mathcal{FP}\) are fixed-point numbers.

Yield can be further summed over all traders, leading the “yield per coin” function:

\[yield_c: C \rightarrow \mathcal{FP}\]

This is exactly the yield listed in the per-coin-stats section (see the final state dump in examples).

Caution: please notice that yield can be negative.

Orders and positions

An order represents a willing to trade. An order is prepared by a DEX client and is represented as an immutable structure:

case class Order(
    id: Hash,
    orderType: OrderType,
    accountAddress: AccountAddress,
    askCoin: Coin,
    bidCoin: Coin,
    exchangeRate: Fraction,
    amount: FPNumber,
    expirationTimepoint: SimulationTime,
    isShort: Boolean

Fields explained:


hash code of an order


OrderType.Limit or OrderType.Stop


trader id


coin which the trader wants to buy


coin which the trader wants to sell


worst price the trader is going to accept for the execution of this order; if x tokens is sold and y tokens is bought, the price is calculated as y/x and the invariant is exchangeRate >= y/x


amount of sell bid coin that the trader wants to sell


timepoint when this order expires; we use real time here which is a quick-and-dirty hack, because there is no precise notion of real time on a blockchain


a flag we use for simulation of pseudo-market-orders (see chapter 9)

During addOrder operation DexCore wraps an order within a Position instance. Position contains transient/mutable processing information about an order.

class Position(
                   order: Order,
                   market: Market,
                   account: Account,
                   blockchainTime: BlockchainTime, //blockchain time at the moment of adding the order
                   realTime: SimulationTime
                 ) extends Comparable[Position] {

  private var amountSold: FPNumber = FPNumber.zero
  private var amountBought: FPNumber = FPNumber.zero
  val fillingReceipts = new ArrayBuffer[OrderFillingReceipt]
  private var xStatus: OrderStatus = OrderStatus.Active

Execution of an order is called filling. When AAA is the ask coin and BBB is the bid coin, we say that the direction of this order is BBB -> AAA, i.e. the trader wants to sell some amount of BBB coin and buy some amount of AAA coin. This conversion may happen in one or more steps. Every such step is called a swap. For a position P with direction BBB -> AAA, the amount of tokens BBB sold so far is what we call amountFilled. In general, an order will become completely filled when amountFilled = amount. It is the executor who runs the lifecycle of a position. Lifecycle of a position conforms to the following state machine:


As long as the position is Active, it is listed in the order book and is subject to further filling attempts. When a position leaves Active state, no more swaps for this position will be performed.


Caution: in command-line mode expirationTimepoint is mocked and isShort is always set to false.

In the following script there are 3 traders, and two orders are placed on the exchange - one LIMIT order in AAA/BBB market and one STOP order in AAA/CCC market.

trader 01: deposit  11.120 AAA
trader 01: deposit  8.001 BBB
trader 01: deposit  20.005 CCC
trader 01: amm-init AAA=4.01 BBB=4.23
trader 01: amm-init AAA=3.5 CCC=9.12
trader 02: deposit  5.0 AAA
trader 02: deposit  5.0 BBB
trader 02: deposit  10.0 CCC
trader 02: +amm     AAA/CCC AAA=2.2
trader 01: open     #a01 AAA->BBB limit 1.0 [0.9]
trader 02: open     #a02 AAA->CCC stop  1.52 [000.010]
trader 01: close    #a01
trader 01: +amm     AAA/BBB AAA=1.112
trader 02: -amm     AAA/CCC 0.5

When executed with TEAL executor (see next chapter for the overview of supported executors), the execution log of this script looks like this:

---------------------------------- execution log ------------------------------------------------
line 00001|trader 001: deposit  11.1200000000000000 AAA
  introduced trader 1: auto-generated account address=578d-8c40-a64f-6dec
  [btime 0] deposit: accountAddress=578d-8c40-a64f-6dec amount=11.1200000000000000 AAA
line 00002|trader 001: deposit  8.0010000000000000 BBB
  [btime 1] deposit: accountAddress=578d-8c40-a64f-6dec amount=8.0010000000000000 BBB
line 00003|trader 001: deposit  20.0050000000000000 CCC
  [btime 2] deposit: accountAddress=578d-8c40-a64f-6dec amount=20.0050000000000000 CCC
line 00004|trader 001: amm-init AAA=4.0100000000000000 BBB=4.2300000000000000
  [btime 3] provision: accountAddress=578d-8c40-a64f-6dec aAmount=4.0100000000000000 AAA bAmount=4.2300000000000000 BBB drop=100.0000000000000000
line 00005|trader 001: amm-init AAA=3.5000000000000000 CCC=9.1200000000000000
  [btime 4] provision: accountAddress=578d-8c40-a64f-6dec aAmount=3.5000000000000000 AAA bAmount=9.1200000000000000 CCC drop=100.0000000000000000
line 00006|trader 002: deposit  5.0000000000000000 AAA
  introduced trader 2: auto-generated account address=bb8b-4f43-cd02-af10
  [btime 5] deposit: accountAddress=bb8b-4f43-cd02-af10 amount=5.0000000000000000 AAA
line 00007|trader 002: deposit  5.0000000000000000 BBB
  [btime 6] deposit: accountAddress=bb8b-4f43-cd02-af10 amount=5.0000000000000000 BBB
line 00008|trader 002: deposit  10.0000000000000000 CCC
  [btime 7] deposit: accountAddress=bb8b-4f43-cd02-af10 amount=10.0000000000000000 CCC
line 00009|trader 002: +amm     AAA/CCC AAA=2.2000000000000000
  [btime 8] provision: accountAddress=bb8b-4f43-cd02-af10 aAmount=2.2000000000000000 AAA bAmount=5.7325714285714285 CCC drop=62.8571428571428571
line 00010|trader 001: open     #a01 AAA->BBB limit 1.0000000000000000 [0.9000000000000000]
  [btime 9] [rtime 2.0] open order: id=5bf7-082e-6fce-6801 type=Limit account=578d-8c40-a64f-6dec askCoin=BBB bidCoin=AAA price=9/10 amount=1.0000000000000000 exptime=259201.0
  [btime 9] [rtime 4.0] created new position for order 5bf7-082e-6fce-6801 normalized-amount=1.0000000000000000
  limit-execute: askCoin=BBB bidCoin=AAA
  limit-execute decision: partial filling of Position(Order(5bf7-082e-6fce-6801,Limit,578d-8c40-a64f-6dec,BBB,AAA,9/10,1.0000000000000000,259201.0,false),Market[AAA/BBB],Account-578d-8c40-a64f-6dec,9,3.0)
  old-normalized-amount=1.0000000000000000 new-normalized-amount=0.6731578947368422 delta=0.3268421052631578
  partial-filling [position 5bf7-082e-6fce-6801] (0.3268421052631578 AAA) ~~~~> (0.2941578947368420 BBB)
line 00011|trader 002: open     #a02 AAA->CCC stop 1.5200000000000000 [0.0100000000000000]
  [btime 10] [rtime 8.0] open order: id=51d9-58c4-4514-157a type=Stop account=bb8b-4f43-cd02-af10 askCoin=AAA bidCoin=CCC price=1/100 amount=1.5200000000000000 exptime=259207.0
  [btime 10] [rtime 10.0] created new position for order 51d9-58c4-4514-157a normalized-amount=0.0152000000000000
  stop-execute: askCoin=AAA bidCoin=CCC
line 00012|trader 001: close    #a01
  [btime 11] close: askCoin=BBB bidCoin=AAA position=5bf7-082e-6fce-6801
line 00013|trader 001: +amm     AAA/BBB AAA=1.1120000000000000
  [btime 12] provision: accountAddress=578d-8c40-a64f-6dec aAmount=1.1120000000000000 AAA bAmount=1.0091804854368932 BBB drop=25.6407766990291267
line 00014|trader 002: -amm     AAA/CCC 0.5000000000000000
  [btime 13] liquidate: accountAddress=bb8b-4f43-cd02-af10 aAmount=0.0175000000000000 AAA bAmount=0.0455999999999999 CCC drop=0.5000000000000000

After execution, the final state of the DEX will be:

-------------------------------- final state dump -----------------------------------------------
per-coin stats
  AAA: reserve=983.8800000000000000 deposits=16.1200000000000000 in-pools=11.1313421052631578 yield=0.3268421052631578 turnover=0.3268421052631578 fee=100.0000000000000000
  BBB: reserve=986.9990000000000000 deposits=13.0010000000000000 in-pools=4.9450225907000512 yield=-0.2941578947368420 turnover=0.2941578947368420 fee=-100.0000000000000000
  CCC: reserve=969.9950000000000000 deposits=30.0050000000000000 in-pools=14.8069714285714286 yield=0.0000000000000000 turnover=0.0000000000000000 fee=0.0000000000000000
  trader-1 (578d-8c40-a64f-6dec)
    AAA: 2.1711578947368422 (free=2.1711578947368422 locked=0.0000000000000000)
    CCC: 10.8850000000000000 (free=10.8850000000000000 locked=0.0000000000000000)
    BBB: 3.0559774092999488 (free=3.0559774092999488 locked=0.0000000000000000)
  trader-2 (bb8b-4f43-cd02-af10)
    AAA: 2.8175000000000000 (free=2.8175000000000000 locked=0.0000000000000000)
    CCC: 4.3130285714285714 (free=2.7930285714285714 locked=1.5200000000000000)
    BBB: 5.0000000000000000 (free=5.0000000000000000 locked=0.0000000000000000)
    [>] a02 [btime 10 position 51d9-58c4-4514-157a] CCC->AAA Stop initial-amount 1.5200000000000000 limit-price 0.0100000000000000 outstanding-amount 1.5200000000000000 bought/sold 0.0 sold/bought 0.0
  AAA/BBB amm-price: 0.9075364077669903 amm-balance: AAA=5.4488421052631578 BBB=4.9450225907000512
      active orders: 0
      asks volume (limit orders only): 0.0000000000000000
      bids volume (limit orders only): 0.0000000000000000
      liquidity tokens: 125.6407766990291267
      overhang [%]: 0.0
      bid-ask spread: 0.0000000000000000
    liquidity providers participation (aka 'drops')
      trader-1 = 125.6407766990291267
    order book - asks
    order book - bids
  AAA/CCC amm-price: 2.6057142857142857 amm-balance: AAA=5.6825000000000000 CCC=14.8069714285714286
      active orders: 1
      asks volume (limit orders only): 0.0000000000000000
      bids volume (limit orders only): 0.0000000000000000
      liquidity tokens: 162.3571428571428571
      overhang [%]: 0.0
      bid-ask spread: 0.0000000000000000
    liquidity providers participation (aka 'drops')
      trader-2 = 62.3571428571428571
      trader-1 = 100.0000000000000000
    order book - asks
    order book - bids
        [ ] 100.0000000000000000 btime=10 amount=1.5200000000000000 order-id=a02 account=trader-2 [position 51d9-58c4-4514-157a]
-------------------------------------- end ------------------------------------------------------

Representation of an order book

An order book is represented as a sorted sequence of positions. Sorting is based on compound key: (order.exchangeRate, position.blockchainTime). In a normalized view of the market, the sorting is different for sellers and b


This is a dump of a market state obtained by running Dexter in command-line mode (see chapter 15 for more details on command-line mode).

CCC/BBB amm-price: 0.9230769230769229 amm-balance: CCC=0.2033524523176000 BBB=0.1877099559854769
    active orders: 17
    asks volume (limit orders only): 2.2252055597448764
    bids volume (limit orders only): 0.4647315614247529
    liquidity tokens: 100.0000000000000000
    overhang [%]: 13.616701418130683
    bid-ask spread: 0.0054945054945053
  liquidity providers participation (aka 'drops')
    trader-1 = 100.0000000000000000
  order book - asks
    [ ] 1.4000000000000000 btime=87 amount=0.0632067876538068 order-id=echo-3 account=trader-4 [position b924-ae7c-4626-21b4]
    [ ] 1.2000000000000000 btime=99 amount=0.0723267765767228 order-id=delta-8 account=trader-3 [position 32f2-706f-61ca-0414]
    [ ] 1.1666666666666666 btime=85 amount=0.1461096109263836 order-id=echo-2 account=trader-4 [position a170-3ddd-9ccf-804f]
    [ ] 1.1666666666666666 btime=76 amount=0.1481821686792274 order-id=bravo-3 account=trader-1 [position 1779-302e-b904-a0dc]
    [ ] 1.1000000000000000 btime=93 amount=0.1409292775669068 order-id=bravo-7 account=trader-1 [position 33eb-cd7a-9560-f506]
    [ ] 1.1000000000000000 btime=66 amount=0.1547865094161745 order-id=bravo-1 account=trader-1 [position 0d90-3679-51d4-39cb]
    [ ] 1.0909090909090909 btime=75 amount=0.2963613161202599 order-id=charlie-4 account=trader-2 [position 999d-5399-8768-c44c]
    [ ] 1.0909090909090909 btime=69 amount=0.3836532994073379 order-id=charlie-2 account=trader-2 [position 2bea-9a05-a860-9c15]
    [ ] 1.0769230769230769 btime=89 amount=0.0884213548369392 order-id=alfa-5 account=trader-0 [position a51c-c872-2df6-cf92]
    [ ] 1.0000000000000000 btime=95 amount=0.3176973935997316 order-id=echo-4 account=trader-4 [position aff1-8c3d-c7c9-43f1]
    [ ] 1.0000000000000000 btime=80 amount=0.3480376095309767 order-id=echo-1 account=trader-4 [position b42a-d222-4f5e-6e47]
    [ ] 0.9285714285714285 btime=79 amount=0.0654934554304092 order-id=bravo-4 account=trader-1 [position 814f-2678-c436-f23b]
  order book - bids
    [H] 0.9230769230769231 btime=94 amount=0.1303907287138158 order-id=delta-6 account=trader-3 [position c754-6ffb-6915-2c4e]
    [H] 0.9230769230769231 btime=98 amount=0.2077145384786107 order-id=delta-7 account=trader-3 [position bfe3-6925-d8ea-e22a]
    [ ] 0.8571428571428571 btime=73 amount=0.0020677188597785 order-id=charlie-3 account=trader-2 [position 0625-293e-b527-5a02]
    [ ] 0.8461538461538461 btime=78 amount=0.0343644824759207 order-id=alfa-3 account=trader-0 [position 3a44-6244-b364-c85d]
    [ ] 0.7692307692307692 btime=83 amount=0.0426353434085135 order-id=bravo-5 account=trader-1 [position 185d-25ad-bd9f-4079]

The market is presented in the normalized view. Order book is presented in a way similar to depth chart. Ordering of positions sequence corresponds to execution priority.Head of positions sequence for ask (sellers) is marked with red border. Head of positions sequence for bid (buyers) is marked with green border.Purple border highlights a situation where the limit price was the same for two positions and therefore the blockchain time decided about the priority. Smaller btime value means older position (because this is the blockchain time at registering that order).


Execution of orders

The following sequence diagram illustrates the general algorithm of processing new orders on a DEX. Several technical details (such as updating various statistics) are stripped.


Executor loop is the pluggable part of this algorithm. Current version of Dexter supports 3 executors (more can be added in the future). The next chapter is devoted to specify internals of all currently supported executors.

Summary of “price” concepts across Dexter

“Exchange rate” aka “price” seems to be a well known concept: if the price of bitcoin is 40 kUSD then I will need to pay 120 kUSD for 3 bitcoins. However, because of the symmetry, one could be interested in the dual point of view - the price of 1 dollar is 0.000025 bitcoin. Therefore we need to introduce price direction: for coins \(AAA\) and \(BBB\), we say that price in direction \(AAA \rightarrow BBB\) is the following fraction:

\[\frac{tokens \: AAA \: paid}{tokens \: BBB \: received}\]

… where tokens paid and received corresponds to an imaginary, infinitely small swap to be executed.

When we apply this intuition to our DEX model and more generally to the inner working of Dexter - things get a bit more complicated. It turns our that there are 5 different concepts of “price” in Dexter. We enumerate all these concepts below. For keeping the notation coherent, we assume that we are talking about a market with two coins AAA and BBB and the price direction considered is AAA -> BBB.

AMM price

This is a market-level value. It reflects the official price as displayed for given market. It is derived from the current balance of the liquidity pool attached to this market. The exact formula is: market.ammBalanceOf(AAA) / market.ammBalanceOf(BBB).

Limit price

This is an order-level value. On creating an order, a trader defines the worst price he is willing to accept for executing given order. During the whole lifetime of a position \(p\) based on an order , the following condition must hold: \(AP(P) <= LP(P)\), where \(AP(P)\) is the achieved price for \(P\) calculated in the same direction as the direction of \(P\), and \(LP(P)\) is same-direction limit price for \(P\).

Perceived price

This is a market-level value. It reflects the price derived from the “external value” of coins. See chapter 8 for a detailed explanation of the external value model.

Swap price

This is a swap-level value. Every swap represents an “atomic” exchange of tokens. As a swap means an already executed conversion of tokens, we know the exact amounts of tokens sold and bought in this swap. The way swap price is calculated of course depends on the direction of the order, which the swap belongs to. For example for an order with direction AAA -> BBB, the price in direction AAA -> BBB is calculated as swap.sold / swap.bought.

Achieved price

This is an position-level value. It is the average price achieved so far given all the swaps executed in the context of given position. The way achieved price is calculated depends on the direction of the position vs the direction of the price. As we want to calculate the price in direction AAA -> BBB`, this works as follows:

  • for a position p with direction AAA -> BBB achieved price defined as p.soldSoFar / p.boughtSoFar.

  • for a position p with direction BBB -> AAA achieved price defined as p.boughtSoFar / p.soldSoFar.